Kindergarten Class

Pickett Kindergarten class is learning about steady beat.  Do you know what steady beat means? If you don't by the end of this page you will.  Let's see what my explorers are doing to learn about steady beat.

1st lesson:  Warm up
Show pictures of things that keep a steady beat and things that don't. Have students identify the pictures, then ask them "Can this picture keep a steady beat?" How do you know? Can you demonstrate?
Play a song and take rhythm sticks and keep the steady beat to the music.  Have students claps with me, then pick some students to demonstrate steady beat with the rhythm sticks.  As some students master steady beat pass rhythms sticks to everyone in the class so everyone can play the steady beat.

What other ways can you show steady beat? (elicit responses) Play another recording and have students show other ways that they can keep steady beat.
Show the "Windshield Wipers Poem" have students listen to the poem and ask what is keeping the steady beat in the poem? (Windshield Wipers)  Have students take their right arm and pretend it is a windshield wiper.  Have them keep the steady beat to the poem.

Project on the board pictures that keep a steady beat and pictures that don't.  Stand up if you think this picture can make a steady beat.  Assess students by standing or sitting.

Pitch Introduction          
January 14,2014

What is pitch? For my Kindergarten Class I will begin by telling them, "Pitch is the high and low sounds in music. Sing  "Pitch Means Sounds Are High and Low"
Show powerpoint of pictures, "What sound does this picture make?" Is it high or low?
Show video

Try this song. It goes like this, "Up and down and up and down, this is the way to ————'s town". 
                                               Sol sol   Mi     Mi  sol sol  mi       Sol sol sol mi mi sol sol        Mi
Have the students create movements for the "up and down" as they sing the song.  You can use a hula hoop, have two students hold the outer edge of the hula hoop and move the hula hoop up and down on the "sol mi" solfeg.
A cool instructional strategy to get your students to understand "high and low" sounds in music.

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